Friday, November 9, 2012

For Chilly Mornings: The Apple Pita-Crepe

This morning I woke up and it was 66 degrees in my house.  My dear husband and I had been doing housework yesterday and he had turned the thermostat down and forgot to turn it up before we went to bed. With the chill in our bedroom, I started thinking of a warm, comforting breakfast. But something that wouldn’t make me feel sick later. So, a comforting healthy recipe was a “must.”

The Apple Pita-Crepe is what resulted. Who doesn’t love the warmth of baked cinnamon apples in the morning? 

The Apple Pita-Crepe

Makes 4 servings

4 apples
4 tablespoons of butter
6-8 tablespoons of soft cheese
4 pitas

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Cut apples into slices about  ¾ - ½  inch thick.

Melt butter and toss apple slices in it. Place apples on a pan and sprinkle with cinnamon. Put them in the oven on the middle rack for 15 minutes, or until tender.

While the apples are baking, you can prepare the pitas. Instead of cutting the pitas in half to stuff with ingredients, use a knife to slice the pita all the way around the round, to make two tortilla-like circles.

Lay them flat, and use a fork to evenly spread (or spackle, as I did) cheese on the inside of the “pita-crepe”. I used Belle Chevre, a sweetened goat cheese that is likened to cream cheese. You can use cream cheese, or any soft sweet cheese of your choice.

When you're done, remove the apples from the oven. Use apples to line one half of the pita, then fold in half. The cheese will act as a glue, keeping the “pita-crepe” together, which is simply a convenient perk.

Your result is a warm, delicious, and healthful breakfast or brunch recipe that can be used at morning get-togethers as well.

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